This book is a godsend Full of warm wise advice that really works Lorraine Kelly
Such a treasure trove of life friendly tips Melissa Hemsley
Liz is a real inspiration we can all learn so much from her personal journey to optimise our health as we age Dr Louise Newson
Lizs passion for wellbeing and her natural ability to make learnings into relatable practial tips makes this book an enjoyable and informative read A positive and empowering take on ageing Prof Tim Spector
Live Better Feel Better Age Better
In A Better Second Half Liz Earle shows us how to futureproof our health in midlife and beyond using evidencebased techniques ideas and wisdom accumulated over her years of experience in the wellbeing arena
We all know that midlife women are often hit the hardest of all healthwise sandwiched between bringing up our families juggling work and caring for ailing parents and it is all too easy to lose sight of ourselves But whatever stage or age you are there is hope and many ways to take back control of your health physical mental and emotional and make yourself a priority rather than bottom of the todo list
Liz Earle sorts the fads from the fiction in wellbeing and breaks through the noise that surrounds all the online advice that can overwhelm us She has taken this mission to heart with her empowering new book A BETTER SECOND HALF Part a retrospective of her life and part a brilliant distillation of selfhelp Liz puts forward what we need to do to live well and age well through midlife and beyond Never shy of making her body a testing lab for new discoveries Liz shares important information on the gutbrain axis nutrigenomics the efficacy of high intensity weight training the pros and cons of low carb diets biohacking techniques and much much more
Liz Earle is one of the mosttrusted voices in wellbeing today and here she shares her hardwon wisdom practical advice and knowhow that can turn the tide on those feelings of dejection and can have us heading into our second halves full of vigour and hope to live longer and better
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