A dead body a large inheritance from an exboyfriend a scam netting threequarters of a million dollars and a love attraction throw Suzie Tufts serene writing life into chaos

Textbook writer Suzie Tuft discovers a body near her rural home and learns he was an attorney from the estate of her deceased exboyfriend who bequeathed her a small fortune Suzies life is thrown into chaos when she is threatened by the exs crazy livein girlfriend and his unsavory friends looking to recover nearly a million dollars from a con they executed him

Fortunately Suzie has her book club friends to help her unravel the mystery all while falling in love with the handsome detective investigating the murder

A Book Clubs Guide to Murder amp Mayhem is the first book in A Suzie Tuft Mystery series in which a textbook writer recruits her book club friends to help find the killer of the victim she found near her rural home


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